Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Tall Order

Reason for this post is I had three people do this to me today!

I don't think a week goes by where I can go out in public without someone making some comment about my height-some comments or stares do make me feel very self conscious and others make me very proud to be tall.  With that being said my height varies depending what convenience store I'm leaving but all and all I'm usually around the 5'11 mark.

Unfortunately, the avg American female height is 5'4 and the avg American male height is 5'9-so makes for a rather interesting dating life to even try to find someone that 1. is taller and 2. enjoys the company of a taller girls. From what I can gather men like to feel like the protector and its hard to do when a girl is eye to eye with him. So here goes a list of Pro's and Con's on height.

1. Hides weight easily
2. Get noticed sometimes for the right reasons-such as easier to spot in a crowd. Hard to get lost. Get noticed by guys before other shorter girls (well unless they are all skanked up in hoochie wear)
3. Forces you to be more confident
4. According to studies, the taller the person is the more likely they get paid for (currently so not the case!)
5. Heels aren't necessary to have achieve the look of mile long legs
6. Not much I can't reach so no need to ask someone to get something off the top shelf

1. Shopping!!! I have to buy jeans/pants, shirts (if I want the shoulders to hit right), long sleeve shirts (because with being tall I also have long arms), and jackets online to get the right height which means not only do I get to pay more I also get to pay for shipping! But also they don't make cute clothes for tall girls. 
2. The gawking. I can be in a store and I'll hear "Oh wow check out how tall she is" or the occasional person asking if I can get something off the top shelf for them because I'm the tallest around just so they can ask me to put it back and grab the other one as if I work there. 
3. Constantly hearing "WOW you are tall!" ...I get it...I really do. You are not the first person to come to the conclusion and point it out to me as if I just grew a third arm. 
4. As cute as heels are, my confidence isn't that amazing to be rocking heels all the time and strolling around at 6'2 and making people scared I'm Godzilla and here to eat and attack their village.
5. Dating: It is truly hard because guys want a little girl to help stroke his ego to make him feel macho and that he can protect-I get it and its understandable because I want to feel small when dating someone. Got to love social norms. With that being said I have dated shorter, and here are a funny examples of why I try not to.  Lets call him Mitch, he grabbed a crate and I do mean a foot tall crate from the back of his work and stood on it to kiss me about mood killer! Needless to say we didn't date much longer after that.

In short, there are some hang ups being tall but at the end of the day I'm totally worth looking up to and worth the climb to get to know!

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