Sunday, June 26, 2011

Adventures of the Self Important

A typical weekend means I usually have to visit either the grocery store or the oh so popular Wal-Mart. And this weekend it ended up being Wal-Mart twice! First time, grocery shopping. Second time this morning I forgot something from the previous trip.

I assume everyone knows there is a pedestrian walking area in front of the front doors of any local store and as a rule following driver you are suppose to yield to them. I guess my assumptions think to highly of people, especially those that think their time is the only precious thing on Earth and are too self important to actually obey such silly rules ;)

So as I'm pulling up the pedestrian area and yielding to the mother holding the hand of what I'm assuming to be a 2 to 3yr old child as they proceed to cross...the Edmonite (basically a great term used to describe those who live in Edmond that have more money than they really know what to do with and so they spend their days in plastic surgery offices and at the gym while their husbands work their butts off to provide such a lifestyle) in a Mercedes CLS behind me apparently thought I was just stopping to waste their precious little time. Little did they know I was actually stopping to prevent vehicular manslaughter, as they try to fly around me and then they screech on the breaks when they realize they came about 3 feet from hitting a child and the mom grabbing her girl up in her arms and everyone watching them and me waving at them like "Hi you...yes you....the one that is now looking like an idiot" Needless to say the Mercedes then followed suite and got behind me to find a parking spot. 

Something my parents taught me is if you are in that big of a hurry you should have left the house sooner.

So Ms/Mrs Mercedes I sure hope you almost hitting a human with your car woke you up to realize the world isn't in that big of a rush and you getting to a parking spot 1 minute later isn't going to make up for lost time. 

I swear the nicer the vehicle the worse the driver it seems. Side note: I also sat behind a truck too busy texting to actually make a right hand turn when there wasn't even anyone on the road then when I honked after waiting a while thinking he might pull his head out of his ummm yeah....he flipped me off then finally drove-CLASSY! I can't wait for texting while driving to be illegal in Oklahoma.

I don't condone videotaping and driving either but this is a pretty awesome video illustrating my point:

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