Sunday, August 26, 2012

Men that can dance steal my heart.

So I went shopping this weekend for some adult professional clothes because I have none since dropping weight and have come to the conclusion that even in the women's department they expect you to a flat chested boy. Here's an idea for designers-maybe allow an extra inch in the bust line so it's not pulling apart looking like its going to bust open like the beginning of a Warrant video. No I didn't buy a button up shirt to bust open the front of and roll around on the hood of a car and make it rain on this ho....sorry to disappoint. And since when did it become socially appropriate to advertise on a mannequin in the teenager department a see through shirt with just a little bra on underneath it? Yes this is the parents fault their children are failures. You dress them like skanks and don't expect them to end up on 16 and pregnant...Really? How about you stop trying to make your kids like you and be a parent for their first 18yrs of their life and friend there after. But I digress... Also it is almost September which means about 60 days until you vote for a new President. No worries I'm not going to say vote for so and so because let's face it, I don't want to be blamed for your choices. All I'm going to say is maybe turn off the news on the TV because every channel is biased one way or another and do a little independent research. Seek out the truth, watch the debates, look at past words and actions of both candidates and see if they do as they say. Also don't be that person that is like I'm such an such party and I wanted Ron Paul so I'm not going to vote period. You not voting is still a problem...pick what you think is the lesser of two evils and give it a go. Most importantly vote, there is no reason not to-they can send you an absentee ballot to where you vote in the privacy of your own home and send it back in the mail.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sick Cycled Carousel

My week has been interesting to say the least. Let's start with the funny and end with the sad.

Most awkward phone call I have ever had

11:30pm Thursday May 3rd ****RING RING**** Private number

Caller: Hey is this Shian?
Me: Yes, who is this?
Caller: My name is (Girls Name), I was just curious if you know (Boys Name). 
Me: Yes
Caller: Are you guys dating?
Me: Nope, not since he cheated on me with you.
Caller: Oh, ok...I didn't know that.
Me: Yep, dated for about 3 months then you tagged him in a facebook picture of you guys kissing. When I confronted him with just a "looks like you are feeling better" He told me to not be a brat.

Talky, talky, talky...She is a cool chick. We talked about all the lies he told me and all the lies he told her. Then he got busted again

Caller: Well he's out of town but I hope I can catch him soon.
Me: No he's not. He text me an hour ago saying he was at a bar and that he wants to come over.
Caller: Are you kidding me?
Me: Nope, he even sent me a pic of the bar. I said no and said he is funny. He is claiming he is single by the way. 

Now on to the sad story.

I use to date this guy friend of mine that works in the oilfield business.I missed his last phone call of him wishing me luck on an accounting test. I tried to call him back but he never answered. He stopped talking to me out of the blue. No goodbye, no more this is done...nothing, I thought he just lost interest and moved on.  His twin brother managed to track me down this last week and took me to dinner. He said that,  that night he called me was the night he was killed on the job and that he has been trying to find me this whole time but couldn't find me because he didn't know my last name and was looking for Cheyennes.  R.I.P kid.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


It has been quiet some time before I wrote anything on here. I've been dealing with a lot of personal crap to sort through and struggling to deal with. But out of all that personal stuff, I think I have finally figured out the golden rules of identifying you're about to date a douchebag:

If they are a self proclaimed nice guy-RUN SCREAMING! 
The reason I say this is because no guy that is truly a nice guy will ever have to verbally say it convince you. His actions speaks louder than words. I'm guilty for falling for this lovely little line "I'm a nice guy so girls walk all over me that's why I'm single"  No the reason you are single is because you are a douchebag and you work this line on gullible girls like myself. We believe "OMG finally a nice guy, one that won't hulk smash our hearts YAY!" But little do we know you have just infiltrated our brains and spreading like a virus waiting for the kill.
If they never initiate a conversation-DELETE THEIR NUMBER NOW!
I know this is hard as a girl to do because what we crave is for someone to show us that it just might be possible to be loved and cared about. We want that happily ever after even if its the most stone hard anti feelings girl in the world- deep down she wants the house the kids and the pitbull. But if some douchebag is feeding you lines and chatting it all up and makes you feel all special before and after the date, then slowly drops away. Guess what!? He's moved on to some other girl that he can butter up and try to get what he wants out of her. Don't sit there staring at your phone, trying to make it ring or beep with a text message. It isn't going to happen. Sure you can try to strike up a conversation with him but the most you are going to get is some 2 to 3 word sentences that should scream at you "That should shut her up" The only reason he is still responding is because he is keeping that door open just in case....
If there is any hint of an ex baggage say the following- WE CAN BE FRIENDS
If he is talking about his ex or seems hung up on his ex, don't be thinking "Oh I can help him get over him and like me better than her" WRONG. This is a plan for disaster. The most you can do is be his friend. If he doesn't understand that, then it's his lost. There is no sense in dating someone while they are thinking of someone else. If you truly want to be hurt and possibly left for the ex-feel free. But my suggestion if you are into this masochistic behavior, you might as well do what EVE6 says and put your heart in a blender and watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion....rendezvous he's through with you!

It has taken me a very very very very long time to come to terms with drop dead handsome men with chiseled features and washboard abs and arms of steal are no good to me. This is an unfortunate circumstance because let's face it, these men know they look amazing. However, in order to be this man, it means they have to be very into health and or just vain. If it is the vain aspect, they love themselves so much that there is no way they will ever be able to care about you because the love of their life is their own reflection and they will never break up. So ladies, just window shop these men and look for the guys that TREAT you right and not the ones that look like a fabulous accessory on your arms. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Now You're Just Somebody I Use to Know

I know it's been a while but I have an excuse. I was too busy with the holiday and acing two courses.

Now on to the present.

Pros: I've had some revelations, I'm getting stuff on the right track, and I'm going skiing at the end of the month for the first time ever, then I'm turning 27 on Superbowl Sunday.

Cons: Dating, No one will want to do a thing with me on my birthday because it is Superbowl Sunday or even remember it, Guys, My ass is prob gonna hurt from falling so much while skiing, Boys

Now that you've got the good, you've got that bad, there you have THE FACTS OF LIFE!

I've had some male issues recently- and well the past 10 years to be completely honest- that have made me ponder why the bad dating karma. What on earth did I do in my past life to make the dating gods super pissed at me?

The only thing I came up with is maybe in a past life I was a female serial killer that went town to town cutting off guys testicals. I could see my current dating life sucking if I did that in a past life.

Touche' Karma. You have won the battle but not the war!

Now for an  onslaught of office music to listen to for every time you screwed over until you either get 1. a happy ever after or 2. a dog

One of my favorites:

My number ONE favorite: