Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My life is like a Lemon Drop: I'm sucking on the bitter to get to the SWEET part

************Side note before I continue: I appreciate the military I really do and anyone that signed up to potentially be shot or blown up to allow me to live the way I currently do has more balls of steel than I ever will and deserves the appropriate gratitude.*********

So thank you you sane brave men and women of past and present for doing a job I could never do!!!  

But just like any job, social circle, or society there are rotten apples that give the others a bad wrap...and I just happen to be the magnet for the small population of psychotic twats that are enlisted. I won't even call them men because that would give real men a bad wrap, maniacal sociopathic testerone driven primative apes that happen to inhabit the human male form have maybe 2 brain cells. 1 for controlling breathing and heart beat the 2nd to encourage them to cheat, lie, threaten abuse, and think that women deserve less respect than the shit on the bottom of their boots....Let me give you one little tip on life. Karma is a bitch and it will rear its pretty little head and rock your world because of past actions.

The reason for the above statement will be clear soon enough.....

Like every person on the first day of class, you attempt to know thy neighbor in order to have contacts to study with or ask for some assistance if having a hard time understanding a concept. So I of course get to know the people at my table and I was thinking this will be fine, one guy already graduated and works in the finance industry and the other....lets call him Deputy Douchebag is married with a child on the way in one month and military.

Deputy Douchebag and I got to together to go over homework problems in a public location one time then the next time we got together to go over the next set of homework problems, I received a text message asking "Should I take my ring off so you can pretend I'm not married" To this I responded "Keep your ring on be faithful, we will be working on accounting that is it"

He showed up without a ring. Kept trying to get close to me where I continued to shut him down and brought up his wife at all times from how they met, how long have they been married, etc....End of study night two.

The next class period I rocked my quiz, while doucher slept through class missing the quiz then expected me to share the answers the teacher gave us for the homework and I blew him off. So after class I get a nice little text message about how much of  Bitch I my response was "Don't be an ass because you were a slacker and didn't show for class. You can call me any name in the book and I'll even help ya out and add some just to make it fun (this really pisses guys off if you call yourself names when they are trying to act all tough). But you have your panties in a wad because you are feeling rejected and I don't know how many times I have to make it clear that me and ANY married man will never be anything, hell I wouldn't even talk to you if it wasn't for class." 

Skip forward to today's class-he doesn't even sit at my table anymore thank goodness! End of class approaches, professor is still talking about the upcoming exam and DD decides to get up and leave and the teacher is like sir where are you going? He was like home and proceeded to walk to the door the professor asked the guy to sit back down til hes finished and the kid continues on his way out. The professor then ask for his last name and then called the kid a Jackass as soon he left. I could have high-fived my mean sexist teacher tonight!! 

Here is a perfect little song for today's blog, don't mess with a lady....she will win, or at least make you wish you let her win!

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