Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My name is an anagram for "Ah sin!"

Well well, guess I took a bit of a hiatus from updating so here is what has been going on.

  • Beyond Broke (Donations and sugar daddies are welcome!) paid off my tuition for school and one of my books alone is 450 bucks (that is also after checking online for the book too!)
  • AHHHH! School starts in one week!  With that, there is an internship/job fair going on at the end of September and this girl is going to attend.
  • Dating life still belongs in a romantic comedy minus the fairy tale ending
  • Life is about to get busy work all day school at night and going to attempt to trim and tone at the gym the 4 nights I'm up at the school after my night classes **fingers crossed**
When I'm stressed to the max, especially during school, I always remember it could always be worse, ei:

Now on to the stuff that matters people!!

I like to assume if you are reading this bs then you have graduated to at least an 8th grade grammar level-so give yourself a big ol bear hug and pat on the back! Go You! Now stop molesting yourself and listen up....

Please I beg of you to stop spelling tomorrow-tomarrow, you're-your, and definitely-defiantly.  

Because when I get a text message that says something along the lines of "your so much fun! We are most defiantly hanging out tomarrow" It makes me want to ask you who we are undermining by hanging out on some day called tomarrow? And that just makes me look snotty so I shut my mouth and tolerate the stupidity hoping they at least spell check other things in life.

Oh also if you don't know what an Anagram is Look it up then you'll understand the title to this blog.


Side note: I think short guys have a tall girl fetish, they seem to be the only ones with balls to actually approach me and hit on me. Which would be all good and great but when you are standing and at a motorboat level-I'm going to have to politely say no thank you.


Next time I update I will losing all grasp on my sanity so I will leave you with a memorable quote....Now name that movie!
"But you can't win a marathon without putting some band aids on your nipples!"

1 comment:

  1. pretty sure that quote is from Horrible Bosses. very funny flick! also, the dating world sucks in general. don't get discouraged, just get drunk!
